Mensagem do Presidente


Dear pentathlon friends,
It is with great pleasure and joy that the Portuguese Federation of Modern Pentathlon organizes once again another edition of Biatle Moderno: Circuito Portugal Tour 2018.

Our country has gathered a great amount of experience and overall recognition over the past decade, hosting several top international modern pentathlon events from different categories.

This recognition comes also from the full support of both national and local authorities, of which we are thankful once again.

A word goes also for the foreign countries that visit us once again for this great event, enjoying the best things Portugal has to offer – wonderful food, great weather and friendly people.

Therefore we would like to salute all participants and wish all the success in the competition, with sportsmanship, friendship and most of all with the proud feeling of being part of the modern pentathlon family – the most complete all round sport in modern era.

Welcome to Portugal, welcome to Biatle Moderno: Circuito Portugal Tour 2018!!

Manuel Barroso
FPPM President